Resilience through regeneration

Planetary CARE

Grow with a team of values-driven professionals on a mission to heal the earth’s soil.


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About us

We believe agriculture is ripe for change. Today, most crops are grown using toxic chemicals which degrade soil health. The result? Lower crop yields, less nutritious food, and the looming threat of ecological catastrophe. It’s time for a transformation. We envision a rapid adoption of natural farming practices which promote thriving soil food web, biodiversity, soil hydration, and health.



To realize this vision, we need your contribution. We’re looking for skilled professionals like you who want help to build the enabling platforms which support regional food value chain enterprises. Here’s what we promise our colleagues: immersion in a values-obsessed community; perspective on how your work contributes; and priceless education you won’t get at any MBA program. Don’t just take it from us though, our current colleagues and supporters are eager to share their experience.

who we work with

Our Colleagues

systems thinkers

We all know the planet is vast and complex. Nonetheless, its intricacies can be understood. That’s why we work with holistic thinkers who intuit the connections between problems.


Startups must be nimble and adaptable. But for that to happen team members must take the initiative. Thus, we collaborate with self-starters who take decisive action when necessary.

caring collaborators

Legacy organizations can be hyper competitive and hierarchical. However, we’re innately pro-social as a species. For this reason, we value kindhearted professionals with deep reserves of empathy.

evolving professionals

Scientists allege that people and planets are destined for decay. But we know transformational growth is possible! That’s why we form alliances with eclectic professionals on an upward trajectory.

WHat is regenerative agriculture?

Top Soil Icon

01. Rebuilding topsoil

Our soil is deteriorating and the ecosystems around it are ground zero for the erosion. But there’s an alternative. Widespread adoption of regenerative agriculture is poised to nourish the soil back to health.

Biodiversity Icon

02. Biodiversity

Two ingredients are essential for life to thrive on our planet: diversity and sunlight. Yet, 75% of crops in the US are corn-based. We believe that can, and will, change as farmers shift towards growing a wide variety of plants in vibrant soil using practices such as agroforestry, silvopasture and marine permaculture.

Watershed Icon

03. Watersheds

Soil laden with industrial chemical creates toxic runoffs. These pollute our precious water causing ocean dead zones and toxic algae lakes. But with regenerative agriculture healthy habitat returns with diverse life – from propagators to birds to fish – all then thrive in our planet’s watersheds.

Rotational Grazing Icon

04. Rotational grazing

When cattle are allowed to freely graze wide open areas,
grass growth is stifled and soil degrades. Yet, we can mimic nature by rotating high density livestock so that plants
and soil receive sufficient rest between grazing.

The result? Ranchers optimize biomass and carbon
sequestration while increasing their economic


What We Do

developing Regional Food Value chains

Small farmers fuel regional food chains — ones which advance community resilience and environmental justice.

Integrating Smart Platforms

Smart platforms use agroforestry and silvopasture to manage the abundant data from soil, fields, and farms.

Training Farmers and Suppliers

Training empowers farmers, suppliers, and all members of the supply chain to adopt regenerative agriculture.

leveraging exo technologies

We bring next-gen technologies to farmers and suppliers from across the food value chain.

The origins

We’re a backbone organization for the regenerative agriculture ecosystem. Find out how Planetary CARE was founded.


Do you have passion and perseverance? Are you hungry to contribute?
If so, we want to hear from you.