Our Vision
A planet where thriving regional farm communities supply nutrient-dense food for humanity while living in harmony with Nature.
Our Mission
Empower every portion of regional food supply chains with the resources, tools, and support needed to accomplish our vision
Since 2017
Forming alliances and growing Community
a backbone organization
Only 1% of farmlands are cultivated using regenerative agriculture. The sector is fragmented with dozens of organizations independently toiling away on the same problem. What if we joined forces? What if we collaborated to heal the planet once and for all? That community is Planetary CARE – a backbone organization.
Community members
Industry Leading advisers
What we stand for

We believe that every being on this planet, human or otherwise, deserves dignity. This conviction is at the heart of how we work with volunteers, partners, and platforms.

Ever see a children’s birthday party? The kids instinctively know when the cake is not divvied up fairly. A yearning for equity is in our blood – we honor that in all our relationships.

Life can be fraught with difficulties – from the inconvenience of a spill to the loss of a loved one. We’re here to help. Our drive is to ameliorate the suffering of all sentient beings.

Our species have grown industrial crops in an attempt to out-engineer nature. But we know that’s bound to fail. That’s why we pay homage to nature’s intricate systems in all our work.