Our vision in 2035, expanding across the planet

Prosper. Joy filled. Healthy.

Bioregional areas across the planet have come together to create resilient, antifragile food supply chains.

soil health = tasty food

Toxin Free Organic

Establshed in 2018, Planetary CARE has built an extensive network of relationships with leaders in all areas of the food supply chain.

Our membership in the Soil & Carbon Alliance, Soil Carbon Initiative, Growing our Future, ASBN’s Regenerative Agriculture and Justice working group, Open TEAM (Technology Ecosystem for Agriculture Management), IEEE/Spatial Web WG and the Metaverse Standards Forum, positions us well to launch our three portfolios.

leveraging technology

Over the last decade, farmers integrated open source robotics, sensors, AI, and other next-gen technologies to produce highly nutritious food, improving water quality, human and community well-being. 

Soil first industry association-SoFIA

Extensive trusted local and global relationships arose from our membership in SoFIA. We found suppliers, processors, buyers and education. As our business grew, our whole community benefited.

Integrating Smart Platforms

Smart platforms made it easy to know what to do when we were hit with an adverse climate event. Simple sensor readers automatically track what’s coming in, what’s happening in our enterprise and when it gets sold or moves location.

Innovation Accelerated

Our advisors worked closely with us to assess our needs, and design solutions with the latest innovation. Our soil health meant even with drought or flood we didn’t lose our crop. During our community gatherings we heard the stories of the innovations helping our neighbors. This encouraged us to do more.

Industry Associations for Regen Ag

By 2035, generative social-impact networks had proliforated to regional areas across the planet. These are groups of people or organizations seeking to solve our broken food system by working together, adapting over time, and generating a sustained flow of activities and impacts. 

The association and network members forge powerful common and enduring personal relationships based on trust and reciprocity; they link to form unique and renewable capacity.


Industry Associations for Regen Ag

Seasonal Offerings & Menus

Fames sagittis volutpat vitae ut eget com modo. Quam est arcu euismod volutpat ac morbi ut augue felis poequ titina osre.


Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 


Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 

Root Vegetables

Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 


Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis. Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum. 


This Week’s Deals

Nullam lacinia diam at nisl malesuada, sed porta arcu lobortis. Cras vel augue quis turpis scelerisque placerat vel quis nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Lorem Ipsum
Curabitur pellentesque, massa nec rutrum mattis, justo mi consectetur urna, sed lobortis nunc ex vel quam.
Dolor Amet
Curabitur pellentesque, massa nec rutrum mattis, justo mi consectetur urna, sed lobortis nunc ex vel quam.
Sit Maecenas
Integer vel nulla massa. Maecenas a neque sit amet lectus dictum mattis. Maecenas facilisis, arcu volutpat bibendum semper.

Special Offer

Get 25% off on Your First Basket

Integer vel nulla massa. Maecenas a neque sit amet lectus dictum mattis. Maecenas facilisis, arcu volutpat bibendum semper.


Happy Shoppers

Fusce mattis vitae dolor congue sagittis
Phasellus ac pharetra est. Aliquam eget leo sit amet quam fermentum imperdiet et eu ipsum. Curabitur quis porttitor eros. In non nisi at mi suscipit.

Jodi S.

Restaurant Owner
Donec euismod sem a pretium vestibulum
Nam molestie lectus vitae ipsum dapibus, nec volutpat purus posuere. Nullam semper turpis sit amet libero suscipit tempor. Praesent egestas dignissim tristique. Nam posuere fermentum egestas.

Ayana R.

Private Chef


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Nullam lacinia diam at nisl malesuada, sed porta arcu lobortis. Cras vel augue quis turpis scelerisque placerat vel quis nisi. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus.




+1 (719) 357-9630